Services I Offer
I offer a wide range of services for flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, and all related instruments.
Quick repairs
Repairs that take less than one hour can frequently be completed while you wait. This can include a tenon cork, stuck swab, a single pad or key cork, a single spring, basic adjustment, minor dent, some key action problems, or other emergencies. My fee for a quick repair is usually $40 – $120.
Clean/oil/adjust or annual maintenance
This includes complete disassembly and thorough cleaning of your instrument’s body, keys, and mechanisms. Any problems you have been having with your instrument will be addressed. This is a great time for me to replace a few worn out pads, felts, and corks. Prices are usually $240 – $720 for professional model instruments, and less for student models. I can inspect your instrument any time and give you an exact quote. I am usually scheduling this service several weeks in advance, see updates on lead times on the home page.
Complete repad and/or overhaul
This includes complete disassembly and thorough cleaning of your instrument’s body, keys, and mechanisms. In addition, I will strip all of the pads, corks, and felts off the instrument and replace them with premium new materials. Any body work, soldering, springs, key work, hinge fitting, etc. that needs to be done will be completed as well. Prices are usually $500 – $2000 for intermediate to professional model instruments. I can inspect your instrument any time and give you an exact quote for this. I am usually scheduling this service several weeks in advance. Downtime is usually 1-2 weeks.
Free checkups
If I did a clean/oil/adjust, repad, or overhaul on your instrument less than 12 months ago and the instrument has not been involved with any accident (knocked over, etc.) then I will check and correct all of your adjustments at no cost.
Let me know if you have any problem notes on your instrument. Sometimes I can alter the tuning slightly using various techniques.
Playing condition repairs
If your instrument needs a handful of minor things and you do not wish to do complete disassembly and cleaning, this is the service for you. Prices are usually $40 – $300 and I aim for fast turnaround.
Dent and crack repairs
I can fill and pin cracks and repair cracked tone holes, tenons, or post holes. I can fill and repair chips and other body damage. I can restore most dents.
Key silencing
If your keywork makes a lot of noise, there can be a lot of causes for this and I can address them all. This can include hinge fitting, oversize hinge fabrication, cleaning and oiling of your hinges, replacing worn out key bumpers, and replacing hardened old pads.
Air leaks
I take a careful look at the body of the instrument, tone hole surfaces, pads, key geometry, and adjustment problems to create an air tight instrument.
Silver, gold, or nickel plating
I can have your instrument plated as an add-on to any overhaul. If you are interested in this, let me know and we can discuss pricing and timeline. Plating is an out repair, meaning that I send the parts to be plated to a professional musical instrument plater.
Straubinger pads
I am Straubinger certified and can install Straubinger pads on your flute.
Water problems
Let me know if you are experiencing persistent water problems in any tone holes. Water abatement can include cleaning, oiling, elimination of air leaks, and/or silicone water repellent treatment.
Private lessons
I am currently unable to accept new woodwind studies students. Please see this great list of instructors I recommend!
Oboe reeds
I am currently unable to sell reeds. Please see this great list of reedmakers I recommend!